Lost in the Dark
Platform: PC · Engine: Unreal · Team size: 17 · Timetable: 6 Months
Lost in the Dark is a PC horror-exploration game designed by Sleepless Dreamer Studios. Lost in the Dark follows Caroline and she wakes up in a nightmarish mansion and makes her way back to the safety of her room. Trapped in the mansion with her is a monster known only as Bagman who is trying to steal the light away from Caroline. Lost in the Dark is a game about exploration and the juxtaposition of light and dark.
My role on Lost in the Dark was that of Producer. I spent the entirety of the project in a traditional production role where I scheduled milestone deliverables, scoped the project, and coached my team through developing our team culture. In addition to my duties contributing to the efficiency and effectiveness of our internal processes, I acted as the connection point between the team and the stakeholder group along with my Game Designer. At the end of the project I was responsible for representing our team at the SMU Guildhall IP Showcase Event where I presented Lost in the Dark to potential investors and employers.
Role: Producer (Student)
Scheduled project with user research and deadlines
Worked with Game Designer to scope the game vision
Fostered team culture of honesty and accountability
Orchestrated presentations to stakeholders
Ran user research feedback sessions
Performed Scrum Master duties
Organized sprint plans in sprint planning meetings
Designed credits sequence